Dental Insurance question?

My husband has an extra tooth b.t his front tooth and his canine. He went to a detist when he was a teen but they said that the root went up then over then back up so it would be painful to take it out and the gap may or may now grow back. He decided not to do it. He wants it done now but only if the gap will grow back. He has somewhat crooked teeth, needs a few good cleaning of his teeth. His top front teeth are just a little to long and they need to be straight with hisother teeth,

Now my question..

we have no dental insurance...should we get it..would we save or spend more? thanks

Dental Insurance question?
I am a patient finance manager. Dental insurance and dental necessity have nothing to do with each other. Most plans cover very little and are designed to pay higher amounts toward preventative things like exams and cleanings and little or nothing toward major things. My rule of thumb is if it doesn't come through a group (employer) or it tells you who to see don't get it. Also most insurance plans have a max of $1000 per year and it has been that same max since the 50s yet there are plans that cost more then $1000 a year. Many of the things you are explaining probably aren't even covered! You will probably spend a lot more buying personal dental insurance then you would ever see paid out of it.
Reply:call your dentist or look up care net, it is a credit card for dental or medical only. it is intrest free for 1 year.
Reply:Most likely the gap left between his teeth will not close and straighten on its own. He would probably have to see an oral surgeon to have something like this removed. At this age he would need braces in order to straighten and close this space after surgery. However, that would be only after the cleaning and fixing of all other teeth to make sure he is a candidate for braces. His teeth are well set so they are not going to just move greatly after having this tooth out. Most dental insurances are nto worth the money people pay for them. What you need to look at is how much it will cost you over a 1 year period vs how much the maximum that the policy pays out in 1 year. Most dental insurances policies pay only $1000 to 1500 dollars a year with you paying almost the exact same amount in that year. Plus, they do not cover the full amount on most dental procedures. Most people would do better to save that money over the course of a year. Most dentist offices now offer outside financial payment plans such as CareCredit that if you are approved offer no interest for 1 year, but after the year hit you with high interest.
Reply:It is really tough to know how extensive his treatment would need to be without seeing him.

As far as insurance, if it can be obtained through work it may very well help, depending on the provisions of the plan--and they're all different. As for purchasing insurance as an individual, it's almost always a bad idea.

Steve Bornfeld, DDS



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